Tag Archives: cfpp

MEDIA: YES! Weekly’s “anti-Hunger Games” Profiles ReBuildUp’s CFPP

yw-article-300On Wednesday, July 27th YES! Weekly columnist Joel Landau did a story entitled: “The Anti-Hunger Games” discussing our ongoing Classroom to Food Pantry Pipeline (CFPP) project in schools throughout Guilford County.

“We have hungry people in Guilford County. Lots of them. We have sun exposed windowsills in the Guilford County schools. Lots of them. Hmm … maybe someone will develop an educational tool to teach students to grow food on those windowsills to help feed the hungry. Wait a minute — somebody has!”

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RHS Students grow food for food pantry over summer

Some of the Ragsdale High School students who participated in the Classroom to Food Pantry Pipeline during the school year have volunteered to continue growing food over the summer delivering what they harvest to Renaissance Road Church’s Food Bank.

The students took home one of the portable gardens from class and were offered a “sharecropping” option where they can give half the micro greens to the food bank and keep the rest.  The participating students elected to give all the food grown to the food bank every four weeks until school returned.